Legal Texts Governing the Importation of Lead and Its Compounds

  • Dahir of 20 Douhijja 1349 (May 9th, 1931).
  • Decree of June 5th, 1931.

Steps to follow to obtain the import authorization for lead and its compounds :

  • File the file with the Regional or Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of Labour to which the company requesting the importation reports for opinion.
  • If the opinion of the Regional or Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of Labour is favorable, submit the file containing the favorable opinion, with the Service of the Safety and the Hygiene of the Work.

Composition of the file to be deposited :

  • Import application referred to by the Regional or Provincial Director of the Ministry of Labour to which the company applying for the import applies.
  • Pro-forma invoice.
  • Import commitment.
  • Data sheet concerning the product to import.
  • Questionnaire signed by the applicant in accordance with the decree of June 5, 1931 taken for the application of the dahir cited above.
  • Deadlines for the issuance of the authorization after filing of the file containing the favorable opinion, the Department of Hygiene and Occupational Safety:

    48 hours.

  • For more information, please contact Mr. Lahcen MOUADDINE Head of Department of Hygiene and Occupational Safety.

    Phone : 0661796738.

Approvals for the control of electrical installations

Legal references governing the control of electrical installations:

  • Decree of June 28th, 1938, concerning the protection of workers in establishments that use electric currents.
  • Decree of June 28th, 1938, fixing the composition of the committee of technicians.
  • Decree of 31 December 1951, fixing the periodicity of the checks of electrical installations.
  • Decree of 02 January 1952, determining the conditions of approval for the verification of electrical installations.

Steps taken to obtain approval:

  • The files of applications for approval shall be filed with the Division of Safety, Hygiene and Occupational Medicine – Occupational Safety and Health Service, 3 of which shall be sent to the Ministry of Labour. Energy
  • The files are examined by a committee of technicians composed of:
    – Representative of the Ministry of Employment.
    – Representative of the Ministry of Energy.
  • The committee conducts an interview with the persons who will be responsible for the verification of electrical installations to assess their professional skills.
  • The committee of technicians shall make a visit to the headquarters of organizations or persons seeking accreditation to obtain information on the human, material and documentary resources available to them.
  • On the basis of the opinion of the committee of technicians, the Ministry of Employment draws up the order of approval of the organizations or authorized persons and sends it to the General Secretariat of the Government for publication in the Official Bulletin.

Composition of the file to be deposited

  • Application for approval addressed to the Minister in charge of Employment.
  • A note including the following information:
    (a) in the case of a person, name and address, information enabling him to assess his theoretical and practical competence, in particular references relating to his previous activity.
    (b) in the case of an organization, the name and address of each of the directors and the members of the executive staff.
  • The status of the company (for organizations) or commercial register when it comes to natural persons.
  • The list of the persons who will be responsible for physically carrying out the verifications, with all the information enabling them to assess their theoretical and practical competence, in particular the references relating to the previous activity of each of these persons. These must be linked to the beneficiary of the authorization by a contract of employment.
  • The list of equipment owned on the date of the application for approval and intended for the execution of the measures necessary for the inspection.
  • Invoices to purchase equipment.
  • An undertaking by the applicant to comply, in the case of approval, with the provisions of the aforementioned Decree of 2 January 1952, and in particular with those of Articles 4 and 5.
  • Fees for fees to be paid for audits of electrical installations. These fees, which must be set aside for half-day and one-day vacations, will include all fees except travel and living expenses reimbursable on justifications.
  • A report prepared during the twelve-month period preceding the date of the application for renewal of approval, for the verification of the facilities of an industrial establishment.
  • List of customers whose electrical installation has been checked during the last 12 months by the applicant for renewal of approval.

Deadline for filing the file

  • For a first application for approval : Without delay.
  • For renewal of approval : 3 months before the expiry of the validity date of the approval.

Duration of validity of the approval :

  • Individuals or organizations are approved for a renewable two-year period.

For any information please contact:

Mr.JANATI IDRISSI Mohammed (Manager of the Department of Occupational Safety and Health)
: 0673738935

Mr.EL KORTOBI YOUSSEF Officer of the Service of the Safety and the Hygiene of the Work)
: 0666144467

Legal texts governing the control of lifting appliances other than lifts and hoists

  • Vizierial Decree of September 9, 1953 determining the special security measures relating to lifting devices other than lifts and goods lifts, (BO No. 2142 of November 13, 1953, p.1625), amended by Decree of September 28 1955, (BO No. 2247, of November 18, 1955, pp. 1712).
  • Order of November 3, 1953, of the Director of Labour and Social Affairs, fixing the conditions for verifying hoisting apparatus other than elevators and freight elevators, (OJ No 2142, November 13, 1953, pp. 1628).
  • Order of November 3, 1953, of the Director of Labour and Social Affairs, fixing the conditions of approval of persons and bodies responsible for verifying lifting appliances other than elevators and freight elevators (BO No. 2142 of November 13, 1953, 1629).

Steps taken to obtain approval:

  • Applications for approval shall be submitted before 1 October of each year to the Division of Safety, Hygiene and Occupational Medicine – Occupational Safety and Health Service (in 5 copies).
  • Applications for approval shall be submitted to a committee composed of:
    -Representative of the Ministry of Employment.
    -Representative of the Ministry in charge of Equipment.
    -Representative of the Ministry of Trade and Industry.
    -Two employer representatives appointed by the Director of Labour.
    -Two employees appointed by the Director of Labour.
  • On the basis of the opinion of the Committee, the Ministry of Employment / Directorate of Labour draws up the decree approving persons and organizations and addresses it to the General Secretariat of the Government for publication in the Official Bulletin .

Composition of the file to be deposited :

  • Request for approval addressed to the Minister in charge of Employment.
  • A note including the following information:
    a- in the case of a natural person, name and address, information enabling him to assess his theoretical and practical competence and in particular the references relating to his previous activity;
    b- in the case of a legal person, name and address of each of these directors or managers and members of the executive staff.
  • The status of the company (for organizations) or of the commercial register when it comes to natural persons.
  • The list of names of the persons who will be responsible for physically carrying out the tests, examinations or inspections, with all the indications allowing to assess their theoretical and practical skills, in particular the references to the previous activity of each of these persons. These must be linked to the beneficiary of the authorization by an employment contract (C.V + diplomas + employment contract).
  • The list of equipment owned on the date of the application for approval and intended to carry out the tests, examinations and inspections provided for by the aforementioned Decree of 9 September 1953.
  • Invoices to purchase equipment.
  • Un engagement du demandeur de se conformer, en cas d’agrément, aux dispositions de l’arrêté du 3 novembre 1953 susmentionné, notamment à celles des articles 4 et 5 .
  • Deux rapports établis au cours de la période de 12 mois précédent la date de la demande d’agrément et ayant trait l’un à une épreuve initiale, l’autre à un examen périodique, effectués dans les conditions fixées par l’arrêté du 03 novembre 1953 susmentionné.
  • Le tarif des honoraires qui seront perçus pour les épreuves, examens ou inspections effectués. Ces honoraires qui devront être prévus pour des vacations d’une demi-journée et d’une journée comprendront tous les frais à l’exception des frais de déplacement et de séjour remboursables sur justifications.

Délai de dépôt du dossier :

  • Avant le 1er octobre de chaque année.

Durée de validité de l’agrément :

  • 2 ans renouvelables prenant effet à compter du 1er janvier suivant la date de la signature de l’arrêté d’agrément.

Pour toutes informations veuillez contacter :

Monsieur OUAZZANI-TAÏBI TAÏB (Cadre au Service de la Sécurité et de l’Hygiène du Travail)
: 06 62 07 32 23