Legal framework :

  • Dahir bearing law n ° 1-72-184 of 15 joumada II 1392 (July 27, 1972) relating to the social security system, as it has been modified and completed.

Social Security History:

  • 1959 : Establishment of the social security scheme for employees of industry, commerce and the liberal professions, this scheme is managed by the National Social Security Fund. It provides insured persons with protection against the risk of loss of income in case of sickness, maternity, invalidity or old age and gives their beneficiaries a survivor’s pension and a death grant.

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The scheme is financed by an employer and employee contribution based on all the compensation received by the employees. Funds available from the fund other than those required for its day-to-day operation must be deposited with the Caisse de Dépôtet de Gestion.

This scheme came into effect on April 1, 1961, this system was extended to the agriculture and handicrafts sectors.

Social Security History:

  • 1965 : Setting of the contribution rate due to the CNSS by the sinners.
  • 1972 : Reform of the social security system (Dahir Law No. 1.72.184 of 27 July 1972), with a view to improving the allocation of benefits, the management and the facilitation of procedures.
  • 1982 : Application of the social security scheme to employers and employees of agricultural holdings, forests and their dependencies.
  • 1994 : Determination of the conditions of application of the social security scheme to employees working in craft enterprises.
  • 2004 : Reform of the social security system (Law 17-02 amending and supplementing Law 1.184.72 of 27 July 1972).
  • 2011 : Extension of the social security scheme to road transport professionals holding professional driver cards (Law No. 84.11 amending and supplementing Law 1.184.72 of 27 July 1972 on the social security system).

The social security scheme must cover:

  • Apprentices and employees of one or the other sex working for one or more employers in industry, commerce and the liberal professions or employed in the service of a notary, an association, a trade union, civil society or group of any kind whatsoever, regardless of the nature of their remuneration, the form, nature or validity of their contract

  • People employed by cooperatives of any kind

  • Persons employed by owners of residential and commercial buildings.

  • Fishermen to share.

  • Transport professionals holding the professional driver card (Law No. 84.11 on this category will enter into force after the publication of its texts in the Official Gazette).

Guaranteed benefits :

  • – Family allowances.
    – Short-term benefits (daily allowances in case of sickness and maternity, death grant).
    – Long-term benefits (old-age pension, invalidity pension and survivors’ pension).

Managing body: National Social Security Fund

*The National Social Security Fund is a public body with civil personality and financial autonomy. The CNSS is administered by a tripartite board composed of representatives of the State, employers and employees. These members are elected for a period of three years.

Legal framework :

  • Dahir bearing Law No. 1-72-184 of 15 July II 1392 (July 27, 1972) on the social security scheme, as amended and supplemented.
  • Decree No. 2.08.358 of 05 rejeb 1429 (09 July 2008) on the determination of the family allowance rate paid by the National Social Security Fund.
  • Decree No. 2.08.357 of 05 rejeb 1429 (09 July 2008) on the granting of family allowances to workers on agricultural and forestry holdings and their dependencies.
  • Decree No. 2.08.359 of 09 July 2008 increasing the rate of contributions.

Conditions of grant:

  • Justification of 108 continuous or discontinuous contribution days for 6 calendar months.
  • Declaration of a monthly salary greater than or equal to 60% SMIG / SMAG.
  • Residence of the child on the Moroccan territory.



  • Insured spouse.
  • Person to whom the custody of the children comes in case of separation of the spouses or dissolution of the marriage bond.
  • Person who is in charge of the children in the conditions and following the forms provided for by his personal status.

Children :

  • Legitimate children from the marriage of the spouses or a previous marriage of one of the spouses.
  • Adopted children and natural children recognized by the recipient or by his spouse in accordance with the terms and conditions provided beneficiaries legitimate part of the compensation or the wife in the conditions and in the forms provided by his personal status.
  • Children orphaned by a father and mother who are taken by the beneficiary or entrusted to him, either by virtue of a judicial decision or by means of a regular act that places the child in charge, particularly with the diligence public assistance.

Duration of benefit service:

  • Up to 12 years for the exclusive and effective dependent children of the employee.
  • Up to 18 years old for children placed in apprenticeship under the conditions provided for by the regulations in force.
  • Up to 21 years old for children who are studying in Morocco or abroad.
  • No age limit for the handicapped child.

Amount of allocation:

  • For the first 3 children: 200 DH per month.
  • For the other 3 children: 36 DH per month.

Suspension of entitlement to the allowance:

  • – If the recipient is responsible for the delay in establishing his entitlement to family allowances, the CNSS pays benefits to him up to the last six months.
  • If the documents required for the inspection are not provided within three months after the date fixed, the fund suspends the payment of benefits and resumes from the first day of the month in which it received these documents.

Taux de cotisation :

  • 6.40% de l’ensemble des rémunérations perçues par les salariés (à la charge de l’employeur).


Daily sickness and maternity benefits and the allowance at death .

Contribution rate: 1% of all remuneration received by the employee (up to a maximum of 6,000 dirhams) 0.67% paid by the employer and 0.33% paid by the employee .


Legal framework :

  • Dahir bearing Law No. 1-72-184 of 15 July II 1392 (July 27, 1972) on the social security scheme, as amended and supplemented.
  • Decree No. 2.96.319 of 24 Rabii II 1417 (09 September 1996) on benefits provided by the National Social Security Fund.
  • Decree No. 2.01.2723 of 27 hijja 1422 (March 12, 2002) fixing the rate of contributions due to the National Social Security Fund.

Amount of allocation :

  • 2/3 of the reference salary. In no case may it be less than 2/3 of the legal minimum wage.

Conditions of grant:

  • Justification of 54 continuous or discontinuous contribution days during the six calendar months preceding incapacity for work;
  • Proof of a maximum of 6 days of contributions to claim new benefits after the first compensation
  • In the event of an accident not governed by the legislation on industrial accidents.

Duration of grant:

  • From the 4th day for a maximum of 52 weeks during 24 consecutive months following the beginning of the incapacity, the indemnities are due for each working day or not.


  • Insured person who is incapacitated by a doctor appointed or approved by the National Social Security Fund.
  • Beneficiaries in case of death of the insured.

Deadlines for filing the claim for daily sickness benefit:

  • Within 6 months of the date of cessation of work except in the event of force majeure.


Legal framework :

  • Dahir carrying law n. 1-72-184 of 15 July II 1392 (27 July 1972) concerning the social security scheme as amended and supplemented.
  • Decree No. 2.96.319 of 24 Rabii II 1417 (9 September 1996) on benefits provided by the CNSS.
  • Decree No. 2.01.272 3 of 27 hijja 1422 (9 September 1996) fixing the rate of contributions due to the CNSS.

Conditions of award of compensation :

  • Proof of fifty-four continuous or discontinuous contribution days during the ten calendar months of registration preceding the date of the stoppage of work.
  • Termination of any paid work during the compensation period.
  • Have your home in Morocco.

Deadline for filing the application :

  • The claim must be filed with the National Social Security Fund within nine months of the date of the stoppage of work.

Amount of annuity :

  • 100% of the average daily wage.

Period of opening of right

  • For fourteen (14) weeks from the date of cessation of work, including seven (7) at least after the date of delivery.


Legal framework :

  • Dahir bearing Law No. 1-72-184 of 15 July II 1392 (July 27, 1972) on the social security scheme, as amended and supplemented.
  • Decree No. 2.96.319 of 24 Rabii II 1417 (09 September 1996) on benefits provided by the National Social Security Fund.
  • Decree No. 2.01.2723 of 27 hijja 1422 (March 12, 2002) fixing the rate of contributions due to the National Social Security Fund.

Conditions of grant:

  • Justification of 54 days of contributions in the 6 months preceding the death.
  • Insured beneficiary of the daily allowances.
  • Holder of an invalidity or old-age pension on the day of his death.
  • Death of the insured person following an accident not covered by the legislation on work accidents and occupational diseases.


The allowance is paid to persons who, at the time of death, were actually dependent on the insured, in the following order:

  • Surviving spouse or surviving spouses.
  • Failing that, descendants.
  • If not, ascending.
  • Failing that, brothers or sisters.
  • The person who supported the funeral expenses.

Deadline for filing the death grant application:

9 mois à partir de la date de décès sauf survenance de cas de force majeure.

Amount of allocation:


60 times the average daily wage which was used or which would have served as a basis for calculation of daily allowances.

Pensioners :

Twice the average monthly salary used as the basis for determining the pension.

The amount of the death allowance varies from 10,000 to 12,000 DH from the entry into force of the 6,000 DH ceiling.

  • Invalidity
  • Old Age Pension
  • Survivors’ pension

Contribution rate: 11.89 of all the remuneration received by the employee (within the limit of a ceiling of 6000 DH), of which 7.93% is borne by the employer and 3.96% paid by the employer. Salaried

Invalidity Pension

Legal framework :

  • Dahir carrying law n. 1-72-184 of 15 July II 1392 (27 July 1972) concerning the social security scheme as amended and supplemented.
  • Decree No. 2.96.319 of 24 Rabii II 1417 (9 September 1996) on benefits provided by the CNSS.
  • Decree No. 2.01.2723 of 27 hijja 1422 (12 March 2002) fixing the contribution rate of the CNSS.
  • Decree No. 2.11.342 of 26 Rajab 1432 (29 June 2011) fixing the minimum amount of invalidity or old-age pensions provided by the CNSS

Conditions for granting the pension :

  • The accumulation of at least one thousand eighty days (1080) of insurance, of which one hundred and eight (108) during the twelve (12) calendar months preceding the beginning of incapacity for work followed by disability.
  • In the event of invalidity due to an accident, the right to a pension is granted to the victim without a qualifying period provided that the latter has been covered by the insurance at the date of the accident.

Beneficiaries :

  • The insured who has a disability, rendering him totally unable to engage in any gainful activity.

Amount of annuity :

  • 50% of the average monthly salary for the insured who has accumulated 1080 to 3240 days of insurance.
  • The rate of invalidity pension is increased by 1% for each insurance period of two hundred and sixteen days, completed in excess of three thousand two hundred and forty days, but may not exceed 70% of the reference wage.

Abolition or suspension of pension :

  • Due to the change in the disability status of the insured.
  • If the incumbent carries on any gainful activity for two consecutive quarters.
  • If the holder refuses to submit to the medical visits requested by the CNSS.


Legal framework :

  • Dahir carrying law n. 1-72-184 of 15 July II 1392 (27 July 1972) concerning the social security scheme as amended and supplemented.
  • Decree No. 2.96.319 of 24 Rabii II 1417 (9 September 1996) on benefits provided by the CNSS.
  • Decree No. 2.01.2723 of 27 hijja 1422 (12 March 2002) fixing the rate of contributions due to the CNSS.
  • Decree No. 2.11.342 of 26 Rajab 1432 (29 June 2011) fixing the minimum amount of invalidity or old-age pensions provided by the CNSS.

Conditions for granting the pension :

  • Reach the age of retirement.
  • Stop all salary activity.
  • Justify at least three thousand two hundred and forty-four 3240 insurance days.

Period of opening of right

  • The old-age pension takes effect on the first day of the calendar month following the date of cessation of work, provided that the pension application is sent to the CNSS within the six-month period following the said date.
  • If the application is made after the expiry of this period, the pension takes effect on the first day of the calendar month following receipt of the application.

Amount of annuity

  • 50% of the average monthly salary for the insured who has accumulated 3240 days of insurance.
  • The rate of the old-age pension is increased by 1% for each insurance period of two hundred and sixteen (216) days, completed in addition to three thousand two hundred and forty (3240) days, without however being able to exceed 70% of the salary reference.


Legal framework

  • Dahir carrying law n. 1-72-184 of 15 July II 1392 (27 July 1972) concerning the social security scheme as amended and supplemented.
  • Decree No. 2.96.319 of 24 Rabii II 1417 (9 September 1996) on benefits provided by the CNSS.
  • Decree No. 2.01.2723 of 27 hijja 1422 (12 March 2002) fixing the rate of contributions due to the CNSS.

Conditions for granting the pension

  • In the event of the death of an invalidity or old-age pensioner.
  • Death of an insured person who was eligible for a disability pension or had at least three thousand two hundred and forty insurance days.


  • Spouse of the insured or his dependent spouses.
  • Dependent children under the age of sixteen or twenty-one years of age in case they continue their studies, or eighteen years of age if they are apprenticed under the conditions provided for by the legislation in force or in institutions approved by the administration.
  • Dependent children with disabilities regardless of age.

Period of opening of right

  • In the event of the death of a pensioner, the first day of the calendar month following the death.
  • In the event of the death of an insured, the first day of the calendar month in which the death occurred.

Deadline for filing the application

  • The pension application must be sent to the National Social Security Fund within twelve months, except in case of force majeure, which follows the date of death.

Amount of annuity :

  • For the spouse or wife or wives, 50% of the amount of the invalidity or old-age pension.
  • For orphans of father and mother 50%.
  • For orphans of father or mother 25%.