

The Ministry of Economic inclusion, Small business, Employment and Skills  is responsible, within the framework of the laws and regulations in force, to elabourate and implement the government’s policy in the areas of labour ,employment, vocational training, very small business and self entrepreneur  and the evaluation of their action plans.

As such, he is entrusted, in coordination with the ministerial departments concerned, with the following:

  • Contribute to the development of the government’s labour, employment , vocational training, very small business and self entrepreneur strategy and ensure its implementation.
  • Propose draft legislative and regulatory texts relating to labour, employment, vocational training, very small business and self entrepreneur and monitor their application.
  • However, the proposal of laws and regulations relating to work in certain sectors in relation to the employment department, and the control of their application, remain the responsibility of the ministries concerned.
  • Represent the government in bilateral or multilateral negotiations related to labour, employment, vocational training, very small business and self entrepreneur
  • Represent the government with international organizations in relation to the ministry’s remit.
  • Observe and analyze data relating to the labour market.
  • Carry out the necessary studies and research for the promotion of decent work.
  • Propose actions that can improve the capacity of the labour market.
  • Contribute to the management of regulatory migration flows for work purposes, and develop and monitor public policies in this area.
  • Promote collective bargaining between the social partners, contribute to the settlement of labour disputes, animate social dialogue and boost its mechanisms and promote it at national, sectoral and enterprise level.
  • Promote occupational medicine and prevention against occupational hazards.
  • Strengthen opportunities for international cooperation in areas related to its remit.