Workshop on Developing and Sustaining Labor Market Observation Systems for the Marrakech-Safi Region

Workshop on Developing and Sustaining Labor Market Observation Systems for the Marrakech-Safi Region

Workshop on Developing and Sustaining Labor Market Observation Systems for the Marrakech-Safi Region

The Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment, and Skills organized a workshop on the development and sustainability of the labor market observation system for the Marrakech-Safi region. This pioneering and essential initiative is crucial for regional development. This system is vital for strengthening the regions’ employment skills in accordance with our Constitution and Organic Law No. 111-14.

Regional observatories will enable a better understanding of employment dynamics and address the specific needs for skills and jobs in each region. The workshop saw the participation of representatives from other regions and international institutions, demonstrating a commitment to harmonize employment policies and leverage expertise and experiences.

The main ambition is to equip each region with effective observation tools and to build a strong network of regional observatories capable of providing the necessary data and knowledge to strategically, accurately, and efficiently guide regional policies and actions.