• Law n ° 65-99 relative to the code of work, promulgated  by dahir n ° 1.03.194 of 14 rejeb 1424 (11 September 2003), in particular its articles 522 to 524.
  • Decree No. 2.04.424 of 16 kaada 1425 (29 December 2004) setting the number of members of the Higher Council for the promotion of employment and the terms of their appointment and the operating procedures of said council.
  • Joint Order of the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training and the Minister of the Interior No. 838.05 of 29 hijja 1425 (9 February 2005) fixing the number of members of the regional and provincial employment promotion councils, the terms of their appointment and the operating procedures of the said councils.


The mission of the Higher Council for the Promotion of Employment is consultative.

It is responsible for coordinating the Government’s employment policy and providing advice on all employment issues at the national level, including:

  • General guidelines of the Government’s employment policy.
  • Measures to promote employment, including those relating to the integration of young people and the management of the labour market.
  • Contribute to developing the dialogue and consultation between the partners in the production process.
  • He sets the agenda and prepares the reports.
  • Study the situation and employment opportunities in the public, semi-public and private sectors.
  • To prepare an annual report on the situation and prospects of employment which he addresses to the Government with his opinions and suggestions
  • Cooperate and work in coordination with all national and local specialized commissions and bodies related to issues of population growth, education, training, employment and general social development issues.
  • Develop and propose programs and regional employment plans based on partnership and effective participation of different local stakeholders.


The Higher Council for the Promotion of Employment is composed of:

  • 7 representatives of the administration.
  • 7 representatives of employers’ professional organizations.
  • 7 representatives of the trade union organizations of the most representative employees.

The council is chaired by the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training or his representative.


The council meets on convocation of its president, accompanied by the agenda, whenever it is necessary and, at least, twice a year.

  • The chairman of the board may invite to participate in the work of the board any person having competence and expertise in the area of ​​competence of the board.
  • The Ministry of Employment provides the secretariat of the council for this purpose:
  • He takes the necessary measures to hold his meetings.
  • He sets the agenda and prepares the reports.
  • The council makes its decisions by a majority of the votes of the members present.
  • The President may propose working groups to discuss specific issues and provide reports and practical proposals in this regard.
  • The Minister in charge of labour communicates to the Prime Minister and to all the members the reports of the said council.
  • The Minister in charge of the work ensures the follow-up and the execution of the decisions and the recommendations emitted by the council.