List of legal texts for the different directions

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Measures to encourage graduates of vocational training.

Decree No. 2-88-609 of 18 kaada 1410 (12 June 1990) adopted for the application of Law No. 16-87 Download
The implementation of the Fund for the Promotion of Youth Employment Dahir No. 1-94-282 of 15 safar 1415 (25 July 1994) promulgating Act No. 13-94 Download
Measures to encourage graduates of vocational training, Dahir No. 1-88-173 of 29 kaada 1409 (3 July 1989) promulgating Act No. 16-87 Download
Measures to encourage graduates of vocational training. Decree No. 2-88-609 of 18 kaada 1410 (12 June 1990) adopted for the application of Law No. 16-87 Download
Incentives for graduates of vocational training. Decree No. 2-90-208 of 24 rejeb 1413 (January 18, 1993) amending Decree No. 2-88-609 of 18 kaada 1410 (June 12, 1990) made for the implementation of Act No. 16-87 Download
"MOUKAWALATI" Program -- Download

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Official Bulletin No .: 5280 of January 06, 2005 Download
The members of the Council of Occupational Medicine and Prevention of
risks and the terms of their appointment and
functioning of said council
Decree No. 2-04-512 of 16 Kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
Conditions of employment of employees beyond the normal working hours Decree No. 2-04-570 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The list of works prohibited from occupying certain categories
of people.
Decree No. 2-10-183 of 9 hija 1431 (November 16, 2010) Download
The mentions that the work card must contain. Decree No. 2-04-422 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The number of members of the Higher Council for the Promotion of Employment
and modalities
their appointment and the operating procedures of that board.
Decree No. 2-04-424 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The number of members of the Collective Bargaining Council and the modalities
their appointment and functioning of the said council.
Decree No. 2-04-425 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The composition and functioning of the specialized commission
on temporary employment enterprises.
Decree No. 2-04-464 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The list of companies in which it is prohibited to employ minors
under 18 years of age as an employee as an actor or performer in
public performances, without written authorization.
Decree No. 2-04-465 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The model of the employer's commitment to repatriate the employee at his expense and to support
the costs of his hospitalization.
Decree No. 2-04-466 of 16 kaada (December 29, 2004) Download
Indicators to be included in packages weighing at least one thousand kilograms in weight. Decree No. 2-04-468 ​​of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
Notice period for the unilateral termination of the employment contract of indefinite duration. Decree No. 2-04-469 of 16 KAADA 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The conditions to authorize the creation of economets in the yards, farms
agricultural, industrial enterprises, mines or quarries remote from a refueling center
Decree No. 2-04-470 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
Weekly rest Decree No. 2-04-513 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
The number of members of the
provincial board to review and adjudicate applications for
dismissal of employees and the partial or total closure of businesses or
holdings (Official Bulletin N ° 5280 of 06 January 2005).
Decree No. 2-04-514 of 16 kaada 1425 Download
The modalities of application of article 184 of the law n ° 65-99 relating to the labor code Decree No. 2-04-569 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download
List of paid holidays in industrial and commercial enterprises, professions
liberals and farms and forestry.
Decree No. 2-4-426 of 16 kaada 1425 (December 29, 2004) Download

Object Legal text File
Compensate for accidents at work Accidents at work: Dahir No. 1.60.223 published on 12 Ramadan 1382 Agreement of 6 February 1963
that it changes the form of the Dahir issued 25 Dhul Hijjah 1345 Agreement of 25 June 1927
Compensation in case of Work Accidents Decree No. 1.14.190 of 6 Rabi I 1436 (29 December 2014) implementing Law No. 18.12 Download
Concerning the funeral services for occupational accidents Decision of the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs No. 129.75 of 15 Safar 1395 (27 February 1975) Download
Workers' Compensation Dahir of Law No. 1.76.591 of 25 Shawwal 1397 (October 9, 1977), amending the annex of Dahir No. 1.60.223 of 12 Ramadan 1382 (February 6, 1963), according to which the Dahir is published
on the 25th Dhu al-Hijjah 1345 (25) June 1927)
Compensating for accidents at work Decree No. 1.03.167 of 18 Rabi 1424 (19 June 2003) implementing Law No. 06.03 amending and supplementing Decree No. 1.60.223 of 12 Ramadan 1382 (6 February 1963), according to which
the form of the decree is modified Published on 25 Dhul Hijjah 1345 (June 25, 1927)
Compensate for the accidents of the job Law No. 01.18 amending and supplementing Dahir No. 1.60.223 of 12 Ramadan 1382
(6 February 1963) modifies its structure with regard to the form of the Dahir of 25 Dhul-Hijjah (25 June 1927)
The tariff for medical, biological, surgical and hospital expenses
and pharmaceutical costs in the event of an accident at work
Order of the Minister of Employment, Vocational Training, Social Development and Solidarity
No. 849.01 of 27 Jumada I 1423 (August 7, 2002)

Object Legal text File
the list of public institutions
Definition of the list of public institutions that must apply the texts applicable to public contracts
Resolution No. 3535.13 published on 24 Moharram 1435 (November 28, 2013) Download
Determination of monthly salary amounts and compensation amounts for the mobility of experts and officials
Their contract employment in public administrations
Resolution No. 3.95.17 published on December 11, 1438 (August 4, 2017) Download
Government Employees Plan (General Public Service Statute) Decree No. 2.08.448 of 25 Jumada I 1430 (May 21, 2009)
Decree No. 2.08.449 of 25 Jumada I 1430 (May 21, 2009)
Decree No. 2.08.450 of 25 Jumada I 1430 (May 21, 2009)
Public administration staff system (definition of the continuing training strategy) Resolution No. 1741.09 of 14 Rajab 1430 (July 7, 2009) Download
System of public administration employees (in the case of general inspections of ministries)

Decree No. 2.11.112 of Rajab 20, 1432 (June 23, 2011) Download
Transfer of employees belonging to interministerial bodies Decree No. 2.13.436 of February 19, 1436 (August 5, 2015) Download
Election of staff representatives in central administrative committees of equal members

Decree No. 2.59.0200 of 26 Shaban 1378 (May 5, 1959) Download
Determination of the conditions of promotion of the agents of the State in the rank and the frame Implementation of Decree No. 2.11.270 of 1 July 2011 to amend and complete Decree No. 2.04.403 of 29 Shawwal 1426 (December 2, 2005) Download
Activation of the role of public hospitals for ministries

Decree No. 2.11.112 of Rajab 20, 1432 (June 23, 2011) Download
A sovereign to push the reference age limit to retirement

Publication No. 16/2016 of 24 Safar 1438 (23 November 2016) Download
Improvement of reception and advice in public administrations, local groups and public institutions

-- Download
Determination of the methods of certifying the conformity of copies of documents with their original documents Decree No. 2.17.410 of December 29, 1438 (September 20, 2017) Download
Illegal absence of work

-- Download
Follow the pace of the implementation of the provisions of the decree relating to the determination of the procedures for certification of the conformity of the copies
documents at their origin
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Circular of the Prime Minister No. 16/2017 of December 15, 2017 Download
System of Public Administration Employees (specifying how to certify the conformity of copies of documents to their original)

Decree No. 2.17.410 of 29th of Dhul-Hijja 1438 (September 20th, 2017) Download
System of Public Administration Employees (specifies exceptionally and selectively the terms and conditions of employment in certain grades)

Decree No. 2.11.100 of 4 Jumada I 1432 (April 8, 2011) Download
General Provisions (as National Pact for Administrative Decentralization)

Decree No. 2.17.618 of 18 Rabi 'al-Akhir 1440 (December 26, 2018) Download
Departmental staff system
The public (concerns the integration of some of the depositaries of the Ministry of Labor and Professional Integration into the labor inspection authority)
Decree No. 2.17.765 of 4 Jumada I 1439 (January 22, 2018) Download
System of Public Administration Employees (determination of days and hours of work in public administrations and local groups)

Decree No. 2.18.880 of Safar 29, 1440 (November 8, 2018) Download
General Statute of the Civil Service (1) Royal Decree No. 1.58.008 of 4 Shaaban 1377) February 24, 1958 Download
General Statute of the Civil Service (2)

Dahir No. 1.58.008 of 4 Shaaban 1377 (February 24, 1958) Download
Appointment to management positions

Organic Law No. 23.16 amending and supplementing Organic Law No. 12.02 Download
The status of the labour inspection authority

Decree No. 2.08.69 of Rajab 5, 1429 (July 9, 2008) Download
Prime Minister's leaflet on illegal absenteeism

-- Download
Official Journal No. 6140-23 JoomThe Arab Convention against Computer Crime, signed in Cairo
ad I 1434 (April 4, 2013)
Dahir n ° 1.13.46 published the Fateh Jumada Al Awwal 1434 (March 13, 2013) Download
A national pact for administrative decentralization

Decree No. 2.17.618 of 18 Rabi 'al-Akhir 1440 (December 26, 2018) Download
Article 15 of Law No. 15.95 on the Commercial Code is amended

Dahir Sharif n ° 1.18.14 published on the 5th Jumada al-Akher 1439 (February 22, 2018) Download