Foreign workers exercising in Morocco are subject to the social security regime under the same conditions as Moroccan workers, in accordance with the 2011 Constitution, the Labor Code and the provisions of Dahir No. 1.72.184 of 27 July 1972 concerning to the social security regime. However, the situation of foreign workers who are nationals of a signatory country with Morocco of a bilateral social security agreement depends on the provisions laid down for the subject of subjection to this Convention. The following conventions are concluded with the following countries:

Equality of treatment between the nationals of the two countries with regard to the rights and obligations provided for by their social security schemes.
Retention of rights acquired and in the course of acquisition.
Consolidation of insurance periods in the two countries eligible for compensation.
Transfer of social benefits to the place of residence of the beneficiary.

1. France22 october 2007
The 1965 convention was repealed by the 2007 convention

2. Belgium24 june 1968
A new Convention, signed on february 18,2014 is being ratified

3. Netherlands14 february 1972
4. Spain08 novembre 1979
5. Sweden04 janvier 1980

6. Germany25 march 1981
The Convention is being revised to include health care
7. Denemark26 April 1982

8. Libya04 August 1983
9. Tunisia05 february 1987
A new Convention, signed on October 19, 2015 is being ratified

10. Algeria23 february 1991

11. Canada01 july 1998
12. Portugal14 november 1998

13. Quebec25 may 2000

14. Egypt12 may 2006

15. Luxembourg02 october 2006